

So i start school tomorrow it stinks but i get to see my friends that is always fun


Random pics

here is me and maria i really like this picture



So..... i know haven't posted in awhile because I have been really busy because i went Florida and i was at all of the theme parks!!! It was so much fun I road the Hollywood tower of terror I was screaming a lot on that ride lol:P . Also I went on the Expedition Mt. Everest that was so much fun when we went backwards . then at the end of the week we went to the Universal studios I got to ride the Harry Potter flying adventure .My cousin and I got to sit in these seats and the were on a track and it went thourgh the seans of Jarissaric park the movie it was so awesome !!!!!!!!


fun Arts

hey I just got back from Fun Arts at my church and I did my gospel illusion and human video . I had so much fun but I messed up on it though :( Other people didn't see it but I still messed up but it doesn't matter


fun day !

After I came home from church my neighbors came over and we made a movie with our video camera it was really fun We were rocking we other on the hammock and tipping each other it was really fun i lllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this weather
  • Izzy



Today is my birthday and i am 11 years old today


winter blast

i am about to go to winter blast tomorrow and is going to be so much fun



in a couple hours i am going to go shopping with my mom i cant wait


winter blast

Winter blast is coming up in 6 days i cant wait it is going to so much fun



i need you guys to vote on what i should do for fun arts!! the pole is about to close sooon so please vote



I hope the Steelers win the Superbowl tonight !!!!!!!!!!!!


no school

today I don't have school because the roads are really icy anyway I just wanted to say hi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



if you look at my profile my haircut photo is my profile pic


hey i just got my haircut and its super cute if you saw me on Wednesday you saw it but if you didnt you will see it on Sunday!!!!!!!!! ill post some pics later!!!!!!!!



I just got back from seeing the kings speech.I didn't like it but my mom did. If my brothers were home I wouldn't have had to go to see it but they were at a friends